Global Mobility Call
Representatives of EMT and the Madrid City Council will present their experience and leadership in the different sessions in which they will participate in the three days of GMC.

19 October 2023

10 Billion Solutions Analysis
Changing the world starts with changing how we see the world. A vision change is what’s happening in the European public transport landscape, with governments heavily incentivizing public and low-carbon transportation. With transport responsible for around 30% of greenho...

23 May 2023

10 Billion Solutions Analysis
Multiple mega-threats seem to loom larger and darker by the week:  climate change, inflation, social inequalities, pandemics and, last but not least, the steady escalation in the geopolitical confrontations between nuclear powers. In this bleak landscape, the growth of r...

13 April 2023

10 Billion Solutions Analysis
De nombreuses méga-menaces semblent peser sur le monde davantage chaque semaine : le changement climatique, l'inflation, les inégalités sociales, les pandémies et, enfin, l'escalade constante des affrontements géopolitiques entre puissances nucléaires. Dans ce paysage so...

13 April 2023