10 Billion Solutions Analysis
The UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai, COP28, draws to a close, but after a number of initial, important announcements that set a strong momentum, will it deliver on what is, admittedly, the principal swinger theme – fossil fuels phase-out?

12 December 2023

10 Billion Solutions Analysis
The Gorafi, a French cousin of The Onion, titled it: ‘IPCC report says there won't be enough trees left to print the next IPCC report’. Dark humor aside, the comparatively low impact from the recent IPCC release shows we are becoming numb to climate news and, most danger...

25 April 2023

10 Billion Solutions Analysis
Multiple mega-threats seem to loom larger and darker by the week:  climate change, inflation, social inequalities, pandemics and, last but not least, the steady escalation in the geopolitical confrontations between nuclear powers. In this bleak landscape, the growth of r...

13 April 2023