• 10 Billion Solutions Academy lanza su primer curso en línea para moderadores
  • 10 Billion Solutions Academy Launches First Online Course for Moderators
  • Llega a España 10 Billion Solutions, la agencia pionera en comunicación climática
10 Billion Solutions Academy lanza su primer curso en línea para moderadores
10 Billion Solutions Academy Launches First Online Course for Moderators
Llega a España 10 Billion Solutions, la agencia pionera en comunicación climática
Global Mobility Call, the largest sustainable mobility event, will hold its 3rd edition from 19 to 21 November

With a combined conference and exhibition format, GMC offers the most advanced opportunities and solutions for sustainable mobility development to public and private agents.
Global Mobility Call, el mayor evento de movilidad sostenible celebrará su III edición del 19 al 21 de noviembre

Nota de prensa
PEEB Cool kicks off to boost energy-efficient, climate-resilient buildings in 11 countries

Lancement de PEEB Cool pour booster l’efficacité énergétique et la résilience aux chocs des bâtiments dans 11 pays

10 Billion Solutions Academy lanza su primer curso en línea para moderadores

Los cursos, que se ofrecen en español y en inglés, están programados de manera flexible, con próximas sesiones el 20-21 de febrero, 12-13 de marzo, 16-17 de abril, 21-22 de mayo y 25-26 de junio.
10 Billion Solutions Academy Launches First Online Course for Moderators

The courses, available in English and Spanish, are scheduled flexibly, with upcoming sessions on 20-21 February, 12-13 March, 16-17 April, 21-22 May, and 25-26 June.
Llega a España 10 Billion Solutions, la agencia pionera en comunicación climática

10 Billion Solutions: Pioneering Climate Change Communication Agency Launches in Spain

10 Billion Solutions, l’agence pionnière de communication climatique, arrive en Espagne

Les "lignes de front" dévoilées lors de la COP28

La Conférence des Nations Unies sur le changement climatique à Dubaï, COP28, touche à sa fin, mais après un certain nombre d'annonces initiales importantes qui ont donné une forte impulsion, la Conférence tiendra-t-elle ses promesses sur ce qui est, à vrai dire, le princ...

10 Billion Solutions Press Room

10 Billion Solutions offers climate and sustainability communications consultancy services globally in English, Spanish and French.

We are experts on climate and sustainability communications and we can help you tell your story of change to inspire the transformation the world needs to tackle the emergency.

This is a space dedicated to telling the impact stories from our partners and our analysis of how the world is coming together to tackle the climate emergency, reflecting on the most relevant achievements and shortcomings.

You are encouraged to use and share this content which is free to use, respecting in good faith the essence of the messages as well as mentioning (and linking back) the organizations issuing the information.

This is only the Press Room; visit our full website here: https://10billionsolutions.com/